Decision-Making Flow Chart

Does a decision need to be taken now? Can it be deferred to a later date without unduly delaying council business?




                             No, can’t wait                                                   Yes, can wait                                    

Is this a matter covered by the enhanced delegation to officers as agreed by P&R on 13 MayDefer decision to a later date of the committee





                     Yes                                                       No

Is the matter covered by normal Officer delegations and there are no special reasons (such as significant service or budgetary implications that make it necessary to refer to committee) necessary for a committee decisionsRefer matter to Committee






Yes                                       No

Use Officer delegated powers

Consultation with Group Spokespersons. Is use of delegated power agreed by all, having regard to the following criteria:
 • Is there significant service impact
 • Are there significant financial implications
 • Is the decision controversial/politically sensitive
 Consultation may be done at pre-meet or on an ad-hoc basis



No agreement by all Groups to use Delegated powersUse of Delegated powers agreed
Use enhanced officer delegated powers. Refer to Committee